Thank you!
for your interest in the Kid’s Halloween Planner
You will have received an email with access but first…
We have a very special offer for you…
how would you like this jam-packed bundle full of halloween games & activities at a crazy discount?

Halloween Games & Activities
And that’s not all!
See the special bonus below
This bundle is packed with over 50 pages of games, activities, lists, schedules and eye-catching artwork!
Cash in now on the halloween market
(Halloween Activities = Over 22k Monthly Google Searches*)
Basic & Advanced Word Searches & Mazes
Trivia Q’s, Coloring, Bingo, Lists, Schedules & More!
this Bundle retails at $37
but For a one time offer grab this entire
PLR bundle of Halloween Activities + special bonus below for ONLY
**special bonus**

Cute Halloween Monsters
you also get this MRR bonus
The Halloween Activities PLR bundle is a steal on its own but to sweeten the deal we’ve also thrown in these fantastic, colorful monsters! And they come with…
These scary monsters are a fantastic addition to any of your products, and as they also come with MRR you can resell them as PLR and list them in your PLR store!
Each individual monster is 300dpi.
Available as 12 separate PNG images.
did we mention These Cute, furry monsters all come with
Don’t Miss this Crazy offer
with its special bonus!
Grab it all for ONLY
*According to Sale Samurai Google SV